segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010

24, May - My Birthday!! 6 cakes on a single day...

Precious Moments:
Whoever enjoys listening to Depeche Mode knows the song in which David Gahan says:
"... We always try to share the tenderest of care... Now look what we have put you through... I pray you learn to trust, have faith in both of us... And keep room in your heart for two..." (Depeche - Precious)
It was a fantastic term. Actually, you were my first groups once I have just returned for my state. I have been miles and miles away for almost 10 years. Thanx for celebrating my birthday with me this year.

domingo, 27 de junho de 2010


When we first sat to talk about that project, on 20, April, we realised we had already started a final countdown to the big event named SENARTE - the show would be held on 28, May. Oh, let me tell you before I simply forget about it. It was not disigned to be "dancing in the rain". As I had had an experience with Grease before, we thought about going back in time and have a revival of some musicals focusing on the 50's, 60's,70's and 80's. We have decided the name for our presentation - The Time Tunnel. My students had no idea how happy I was with that name. Let me open my heart for you (lol): when I was a very young child, I mean 4 to 6, my elder brothers used to watch a TV series named The Time Tunnel - most of my afternoons were watching that or Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea. Do you remember the Admiral Nelson? If you are 39 like me or even older, you know what I mean. Anyway, let me go back to our presentation.

The following Monday, Bruno - who is a student from the same group, came up with an excellent idea... "Why don't we perform dancing in the rain? My wife, Josy Caxeado, can be the coreographer for our group." Okay! " okie dokie "- like some Americans say... Dancing in the Rain will be the name!

As we couldn't rehearse during our classes the only solution was having Sunday rehearsals at Bruno's house. That's what we did. Thanks for the motivation and will. God knows it was not that easy to have the whole group, 24 members, together on Sundays. That's the result of our effort:
Teacher Ênio Tavares.
That's the result of our rehearsals:

quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010


Once I started the project with my students , who are adults with lots of responsibilities and with one thing in common - the lack of time, I thought to myself that if they grabbed to their chairs and simply used the net to research on sites or even exchange two or three emails. Would it be challenging??? Of course not! I realised that without commitment and practising it would be faced as just another project among hundreds and hundreds ones. For my surprise, not only have they got involved with the project, but also the result suggests that the relevance of the activities made them memorise or even above that, internalise the vocabulary of food and the cultural caracteristics of different cultures - in our country and abroad. It is also important to point out their awareness of using, at least, three of the basic four skills that surround our learning process, but their response was higher than I expected.
Teacher Ênio Tavares.

(My students at SENAC Recife)
Beginners. May, 2010.

Identidade(s) Docente(s) na Era do Letramento Digital. Palavras do Prof. Xavier.

quarta-feira, 23 de junho de 2010

Palavras do Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos Xavier, professor da UFPE, sobre Internet, Hipertexto e Aprendizagem.

Just a few words... VERY GOOD MEMORIES...

I have some very good memories when I think of you. You have joined some of my projects and have done your best... I know I will see you around because there is one thing I am sure about... We live in a small world - a village. Although we are miles and miles away, internet enables us to keep in touch...

As I used to say... English is one of the tools, just like technology ... Therefore we must take advantage of this whole process...

domingo, 20 de junho de 2010


Alunos da 1a. série do EM da escola Magister SP liderando discussão sobre as mudanças climáticas que ocorrem em todo o mundo. As consequências das mudanças nos grandes centros - especialmente na região sul de São Paulo onde eu ensinava até o ano de 2009. Qual o papel da escola perante a sociedade no sentido de conscientizar e formar jovens aptos a ajudar famílias e toda a comunidade a sobrepujar mudanças tão rápidas? Alunos trocaram experiências através de textos em língua inglesa na web. Foram usados emails, MSN e vídeos. Todos apresentaram suas conclusões e lideraram as discussões mediadas por mim, Enio Tavares. Vídeos foram editados e apresentados para uma turma atenta e com sede de conhecimento, porém cansados de aulas com giz e lousas apenas.
Segundo o Prof. Dr. Antônio Carlos dos Santos Xavier, professor da Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE),
"o computador em si é apenas uma ferramenta sem qualquer compromisso educacional. O educador é que deve visualizar todo potencial pedagógico latente dessa tecnologia e usá-la a seu favor". Cabe a nós educadores encararmos a tecnologia como aliada na nossa tarefa de educar.
Teacher Enio Tavares.